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Big puzzles 0.0.9
Jigsaw Best Games
Game's features: • Big puzzles; • 80 colorful pictures; • 10different categories; • Puzzles of 56 pieces; • Puzzles of 100pieces; • Pleasant music; "Big puzzles" is kinda likemosaic-jigsaw. This game's purpose is to collect the whole pictureusing different its parts. It can be played both by yourself singleand by your family too. Such game lets you to take a rest fromeveryday fuss. "Big puzzles" game collected 80 colorful pictures.They're separated in menu into 10 different categories: winter,summer, spring, autumn, holidays, horses, stones, clocks, furniture(interior), bridges. Having chosen proper category you could seepictures, which can be assembled. One puzzle may consist of 56 or100 pieces, that is very passionate and let you to spend time withadvantage. For more interesting gameplay there is a timer, it willrecord your best results. And a font hint, which can be turned onby pressing on a bulb will let you to cope with a task easier andto collect a puzzle. Puzzles knows no age! And this is true. A "Bigpuzzles" game is an incredibly powerful anti-stress. Puzzlesimprove imagination and perception, logic and attention, spatialthinking and patience.
Puzzles 0.0.12
Jigsaw Best Games
Puzzles is an old and enthralling game, which doesn't lose it'spopularity for a long time. Game's purpose is quite simple: playerhas to collect a picture using small its parts. Their shape andnumber may be various. There are some very easy puzzles, which canbe completed for a few minutes, but for some others you have togive more time. Game's features : •Puzzles; •80 beautiful pictures;•10 different categories; •Puzzles of 56 pieces; •Puzzles of 100pieces; •Pleasant music. In a game "Puzzles" you'll find a lot ofpictures for any taste and can collect them. The game menuerepresents different categories: dogs, vegetables, ships, children,landscapes, fields, houses, roses, night, mushrooms. Having chosenproper category you may choose jigsaw-puzzle, which you want tocollect. Puzzles may contain of different pieces' number: 56 or100. To make collecting picture easier there is a special button ina game, which will show picture and that will let you understandwhere to place a piece. Also you can turn on the font hit that is ablack and white picture, divided on puzzle's pieces' borders. Thereis a timer in the game, which will help you to fix your bestresults. A "Puzzles" game will be interesting to all jigsaw fans.If you want to relax, pleasantly spend your time and train yourattentiveness, this game's for you!
Puzzles without the Internet 0.0.11
Jigsaw Best Games
Puzzles is an entertaining developing and educational game,whichrequires perseverance, accuracy, patience and attentiveness.Youcan use it to have a fun and useful family evening. And youwillnot be upset in the end because of lack of one puzzle piece, asitis not possible to lose them here. Cool offline games thatworkwithout the Internet will allow you to see the problemfromdifferent angles, and learn how to take complex decisions. Whatisinteresting about the game: • Puzzles without the Internet;•Interesting different games; • Puzzles for girls and boys; •56pieces of the puzzle; • 100 pieces of the puzzle; • game savemode;• Background tooltip for the picture; • Timer; • pleasantmusic; Inour puzzle for adults it's very easy to play. You need tochooseone of the presented categories: architecture, food,animals,landscapes, transport and others. Each category has 8pictures thatcan be collected. Your task is to move pieces ofpuzzles and putthem in the right place! You can puzzle with adifferent number ofdetails: 56 or 100 pieces. Also you can alwaysselect a difficultylevel in game settings, including or disablingthe backgroundtooltip for the picture. It seems that everyone willbe able tochoose a picture for themselves, because the game hascollected 80colorful images. Plus you can arrange competitions, whowillquickly assemble the puzzle: timer will help you, it willrecordyour results and determine who has won. And during the gameyou canalways look at the picture that you are now collecting, inorder tounderstand what place to put a piece of the puzzle. Also,if youneed to leave, there is an opportunity to save the game,andcontinue the next time from the moment you left off."Puzzleswithout the Internet" are the best puzzles in the worldforchildren and adults. After all, to collect puzzles fromseparateparts is an exciting activity that allows you to spendleisuretime. Children assembling different pictures, train motorskillsand develop spatial thinking. And for adults, picking uppuzzleshelps to get away from the hassle and get ready to think.
Puzzles are big 0.0.5
Jigsaw Best Games
"Big puzzles" - is one of the most popular jigsaw type in theworld.Both children and adults loving play it to distract fromeverydayfuss. Game's features: •Puzzles are big •puzzles withouttheInternet •Puzzles of 56 pieces •Puzzles of 100 pieces •80beautifulpictures •Timer •Different game modes •Pleasant music Ina game"Puzzles are big" can be found pictures of different topics:road,citrus, animals, bouquets, Venice, teadrinking, leaves,fountains,carnival, canyons. By choosing one of 10 categories youcan seepictures, which can be collected. In game you can choosegame'sdifficulty level by your own: - puzzle of 56 pieces - puzzleof 100pieces - without font picture - with font picture - withfontpicture, divided on puzzle's pieces' borders In our game thereis atimer of time, which will help to add to the game process acertainexcitement. Putting new records in the puzzle for adults isveryexciting. Also, you can see the picture during the game, inorder toput a piece of the puzzle in its place. Puzzles are themostintelligent games in the world. The importance of puzzlesandpuzzles is directly related to their complexity, despite thefactthat all people are unique in their own way and usedifferentapproaches to solving problems. Interesting differentgames workwonders, as with children, with adults, and with olderpeople. Allbenefit from improved memory, brain development,creativity andpeace of mind.
To collect puzzles 0.0.4
Jigsaw Best Games
Sometimes we reflect whether there is some interesting game whichitis possible to play all family, free evening, or day off? Ofcourseis! These are the cleverest games which can be calleddifferently:puzzles mosaic, adult puzzles, interesting puzzles andeven pvzla.Such games allow to spend time with advantage. Featuresof game: •It is always fascinating to collect puzzles; •Interesting gamewithout the Internet; • puzzle for adults; • bigpuzzles on 56pieces; • big puzzles on 100 pieces; • 80 colourfulpictures; • timetimer; • game preservation mode; • backgroundhints to the picture;• pleasant music. In the game "To collectpuzzles" you will be ableto collect 80 beautiful pictures whichare distributed on thecorresponding categories. It is possible toput puzzles on 56 and100 pieces, it is also possible to include insettings of game, orto disconnect the background hint to thepicture. Puzzles for adultswithout the Internet will allow to setup new records because ingame there is time timer. And duringassembly of a puzzle there isan opportunity to look at the picturewhich you collect now to put apuzzle piece on the right place. Andone more pleasant moment, ingame is the preservation button if atyou for some reason now it isimpossible to collect the picture,then you will be able to continueanother time since that moment onwhich stopped. The game "Tocollect puzzles" effectively developsinductive thinking, logic andattention, imagination andperception. Adult interesting games willbe allowed to holdpleasantly evening in the bosom of the family, orto pass away timeon the way.
Jam Jump
Jigsaw Best Games
What is interesting in the game: • Runner bumpy jelly; • Food intheform of various goodies to be collected; • Funny skins; •Simple andlucid control; • Different music on locations; Jam Jumpis a funnyjumping cube with lots of locations and different skins.The game ofjelly will take you to the atmosphere of goodies, whereyou need torun and jump on shelves collecting everything edible.The concept ofthe game is the endless running jumpy jelly andpassing throughvarious obstacles. Entering the game you get intothe menuconsisting tables with all sorts of tasty treats. Thereare threelevels on each of tree Table location, having passedwhich you canopen Refrigerator as a bonus levels. Passing endlessjumping gamesmeans to collect the required number of bonuses toopen the lock onthe bonus level. Each level has its differentsetting and bonusesthat are needed to be collected. In total, thegame has 9 levels:Chocolate, Drinks, Pizza, Cakes, Fast food, Icecream, Cookies,Candy, Pies. Every level has its own bonuses: forexample, inChocolate area you need to collect chocolate chips, inPizza levelthere will be slices of pizza, etc. However do notforget thatlevels have not only bonuses, but also obstacles! Itcan be forks,spoons, tongs, rolling pins and more. Also, freezingand stickingcan be encountered on the levels, caused by glass jarscontainingice or a magnet. If you catch a freeze, the speed on thelevel willslow down for a while, and the jar with a magnet willmagnet all thebonuses that are on the screen. You may ask, what toexpect on thebonus level? Of course, how could we forget to tellabout it! Thepoint of the game remains the same: collect alledible and avoidobstacles. But now do not need to run and jump onthe shelves. Allobjects fall downward from top, and the task ofthe player is justto move in different directions on the screen.But do not forgetthat the speed of falling objects will increase,and you have to bevery careful. One bonus in this level isconsidered as 3 points.Control of the game is very simple: cubejumps by clicking onscreen; clicking twice will double jump, whichwill help toseamlessly jump on the top shelf. And do not thinkthat this race isvery easy: the endless runner constantlyincreases the pace of thegame and requires more attention andconcentration to successfullypass the obstacles. At the start ofthe game 9 lives are given,which are restored in a while afteruse. Jelly jump player will haveto run, jump, arranging a realrace, and collect sweets, pizza andfast food. You can buy new funskins and change the look of thecharacter for the collectedbonuses. From the beginning of the gameJelly (the character) canchange the color: you just need to clickon the menu button with animage of shopping cart and there you canchange and buy newcharacters. Free Jam Jump game is a uniquerunning (parkour), whichis always with you, and you can use it toarrange a jumpcompetitions with friends and just have fun. Playingendlessrunner, you will improve your attention skills, logicalthinkingand reaction. Marmalade jumper will help to reach newheights andbreak records of other players.
Puzzles for adults 0.1.25
Jigsaw Best Games
Collecting puzzles is a very popular entertainment both amongadultsand among children. Game eatures: • Adult puzzles; • 10variouscategories of pictures; • Puzzles consist of 56 and 100parts; • Anopportunity to keep not up to the end collectedpicture; • Havingpressed the button, it is possible to look at thepicture whichneeds to be collected; • Pleasant music; • Puzzlesfor adultswithout the Internet. Probably, there is no such personwho does notlike to put puzzles. And it is no strange. Puzzles arethe cleverestgames in the world, a riddle, an intrigue whichsurely wants to besolved. Moreover it is useful to collect puzzlesand not only forchildren, but also for adults. Puzzles for adultsis a game whichnot only adults, but also children can play. Apuzzle game consistsof 10 different categories of pictures:animals, mountains, food,flowers, birds, falls, architecture,transport and marine. Eachcategory contains 8 pictures on theappropriate topic. If duringcollecting of a puzzle there aredifficulties, it is possible,having pressed the button, to look atthe initial picture. Puzzle isa fine entertainment which does achild more assiduous andrestrained, trains fine motility of handsand improves theimagination. And for adults it is extremelypowerful anti-stress andpleasant pastime. And the most importantthat mosaic-jigsaw can becollected by whole family or withfriends. And as is well-knowncommon interests pull together verywell.
Labyrinth and Adventures of Starmaze
Jigsaw Best Games
Are you a fan of puzzles? Then this escape game iscreatedespecially for you! Help the little robot get through afascinatingspace maze of adventures, collecting the maximum ofbonuses. Whatis interesting in the game: • arcade mazes; •user-friendly gamewith a simple and intuitive interface; • brightdesign andanimation; • 50 levels of exciting puzzles; • spaceplatformer,cheery music, beautiful graphics; • doors and keys forthe passagethrough the maze. The purpose of this puzzle forchildren andadults is to help the robot find a key for the closeddoor and gothrough many mazes. There are not always enough of keyson thelevel to open all the doors. You have to test your agilityandintelligence, deciding which doors to open. These adventureswillbe memorable! Due to the teleportation system, you can easilymoveto inaccessible places in the maze. There are many obstacles onthelevels of maze game that can take life from the robot and inorderto get to the exit of the maze, you need to be extremelycarefulnot to encounter enemies, not to run into spikes and not togetunder the laser rays. To achieve the best result in thelogicalgame “Starmaze” you need to collect all the stars, thatshould bethree ones at each level. And also, going on a tripcollect as manylightnings as possible, as they can be exchangedforinvulnerability, which will help you easily pass a difficultpartof the path. To use advantage of invulnerability, click onthebutton with the image of a lightning. Controlling the playerisvery simple: there are buttons at the bottom of thescreen,clicking on which the robot will walk and climb the ladders.Duringlabyrinth sounds pleasant music and accompanying soundeffects.Music and sounds can be turned off, if necessary. Maze gameis alogical puzzle game in which the player needs to find a way outbycollecting keys and opening closed doors. The game willbeinteresting for children because of the vivid graphics andpeppytasks and will appeal to adults who like to solve puzzles,withalit is a nice choice for everyone who likes playing gameswithoutInternet! Download the space maze "Starmaze", go throughexcitinglevels, get a lot of bonuses and show your wit and logic.Spacegame is waiting for you!
Miracle of puzzles 0.0.2
Jigsaw Best Games
I wonder why many people like to collect puzzles? What is neededforthis and will it be possible for every person to collect them?Ofcourse, this interesting lesson will require spatial thinking,whichdetermines the ability to add puzzles, from a differentnumber ofdetails. You will also need attention, methodicalness,assiduity,and also much perseverance and patience it will take tocollect thepicture to the end. In Game: • Miracle of puzzles; •puzzle foradults; • Interesting different games; • a variety ofpuzzlechoices; • different levels of difficulty up to 100 pieces;•Ability to save the game; • Timer of time; • Pleasantmusic."Miracle of puzzles" is a huge choice of colorful picturesofdifferent subjects, very simple interface and nice music.Enteringthe game, you need to select a category with images, thenclick onthe picture you are going to collect now. And now it's timeto testyour capabilities. Timer time will show you what time it wastocollect this puzzle-puzzle. Also, it is possible to choosethenumber of parts from which the puzzle consists, there may be 56,or100 pieces. In the game settings you can turn off, or turn onthebackground hint to the picture. Of course, we did not forgetaboutthe preservation of the game, at any time you can click onthebutton in the form of a floppy disk and the game will be savedtothe next time to continue from the moment they stopped.Thesmartest games in the world will allow you to become evenstronger,more tolerant and smarter, and the assembled puzzles ofthe mosaicwill certainly give you an additional reason to be proudofyourself. Play cool games that work without the Internet and getalot of fun.
Puzzles for all 0.0.13
Jigsaw Best Games
Collecting puzzles is a hobby of many people. This puzzle,dependingon the picture represented on it and quantity of parts ofa puzzle,will be interesting for everyone: both children andadults, as wellas women and men. Adult puzzles is a game foreveryone who want tospend time without dull. Features of the game:• Adult interestinggames; • An opportunity to choose the picturefrom 10 differentcategories for everyone; • The choice of detailsquantity of apuzzle: 56 or 100; • The choice of the mode with thehint or withoutit; • An opportunity to keep not up to the endcollected picture; •Music; • Puzzles without the Internet. In"Puzzles for all" you willfind different puzzles for adults. Thegame contains 10 categoriesof puzzles: parks, kittens, volcanoes,sport, cities, pumpkins,lakes, owls, jewelry and fireworks. Ineach category there are about8 colourful puzzles. After choosingof the picture which you want tocollect, you will have anopportunity to choose if it will consistof 56 or 100 pieces andwhether there will be a background tooltip.And not up to the endcollected picture can be kept and be continuedto putting puzzleslater. "Puzzles for all" is the cleverest game inthe world whichwill not leave indifferent anybody at all. And inadition to wellspent time, puzzles will develop your imaginationand perception,logic and attention, an eye estimation and spatialvision. Theseare interesting various games for all family!
Puzzles free of charge 0.1.1
Jigsaw Best Games
Puzzles were originated worldwide by english merchant ofgeographical maps. Once a merchant cutted geographical map onseparate fragments and received a jigsaw as a result. Such aninvention had great success, and began to use as in education, asin entertainment too. Through time puzzles have been changing. Atthe beginning they have been made of geographical maps and blackand white colours only, then they were separated on pieces andother pictures. After that they turned from black and white intocolorful. Today adult puzzles are very popular around the world. Weoffer you to play this fascinating "Puzzles for free" game. Thesepuzzles for adults work even without the Internet. Game's features:•Puzzles for free; •Adult puzzles; •The cleverest games in theworld; •10 different catefories; •Puzzles of 56 pieces; •Puzzles of100 pieces; •80 beautiful pictures; •Timer; •Different game modes;•Pleasant music. Game "Puzzles for free" has 10 differentcategories: berries, people, trees, cats, arbours, sunflowers,balloons, drinks, England, sunrise. In summary there are 80colorful images. Puzzles a mosaic can consist of 56 or 100 pieces,it can be chosen having pressed options button. Also, there arethree modes of the hint in puzzles for adults: - without fontpicture - with font picture - with font hint, divided on thepuzzle's pieces' borders During the game there is a possibility toturn on and see a picture of it's own, to realise where to place aneccessary fragment. Also there's a timer in a game, thanks to ityou could see your best results. A game "Puzzles for free" helpsimproving spatial thinking. All these qualities are very neccessaryin other aspects of life, on work too. That means, that yourproffessional value increases with every collected fragment.Interesting adult games will certainly give you an additionalreason to be proud of yourself!
Princesse's puzzles 0.0.4
Jigsaw Best Games
What's interesting in game: • Puzzles with princesses for girls;•Puzzle's pieces' quantity - 6, 20, 30; • Game modes - withorwithout font hint; • Ability to earn candies and open newpictures,exchanging them on candies; • Pleasing music and soundcommentary;• Bubbles, which can be bursted after puzzle beingcollected.Developing lessons with a kid parents begin to take fromthe birth.Puzzles - one of the most popular developing games forlittle kids.Every kid could learn how to collect beautiful picturesof it'spieces in every age, but it able to begin learn thisinterestinggame from the age of 2 years. "Princesse's puzzles" - isa jigsaw,in which kid has to collect picture of 6, 20 or 30 pieces,on whichbeautiful princesses are shown. For making a puzzlecollectingeasier you can choose mode with a fon hint, and for moreadultkids, conversely, you could make task harder and turn the hintoff.While playing there will sometimes appear some candies, whichkidhas to catch. More candies will be catched - more newpicturescould be opened by kid. A game "Princesse's puzzles" willbeespecially interesting to girls as every girl's dreaming of beingaprincess. And collecting bright pictures with beautifulprincesseswill be a pure joy for them.
Puzzle for kids 1.0.0
Jigsaw Best Games
Game's features: • Puzzles for kids • 40 bright, colorful pictures• 3 difficulties (6, 20 or 30 picture's pieces) • Game modes withor without hint • Ability to earn candies and using them - open newpictures • Melody and sound commentary • Bubbles, which can bebursted, after puzzle being completed "Puzzle for kids" - not onlyinteresting, but also useful pastime for a child. Puzzle's goal -to collect a big picture from a small pieces. By reaching this goalyour child will want to collect new and new pictures. In the game"Puzzle for kids" child could find 40 bright and colorful pictures,which will bring him a lot of joy while collecting them. And sweetfluffy kitten will cheer and praise kid in the game's process.After picture's choosing kid could also choose, in the appearedwindow, will picture consist from 6, 20 or 30 pieces and will therebe a font hint or not. After every successfully collected puzzle itwill be able to burst bubbles by your finger. Also kid should payattention and catch candies, which will sometimes appear frombursted bubbles and just while playing. You can use collectedcandies by opening new pictures. "Puzzle for kids" - is adeveloping game for kids, which will make kid more assidious,attentive, orderly and patient. To achieve this goal, and tocollect a whole picture from the details, the child needs to usenot only logical thinking, but also imagination.
Jigsaw-puzzle 0.0.11
Jigsaw Best Games
Adult puzzles is a puzzle game which purpose is to collectthepicture from a set of fragments of a different form.Collectingvarious pictures from small pieces is a hobby of manypeople. Theseadult interesting games are not only interesting andintriguing,but also develop logical thinking, attention, memoryandimagination. What interesting is in a game: • Different puzzlesforadults; • 10 various categories with bright jigsaw-puzzles;•Puzzles out of 56 or 100 details; • The game mode withthebackground tooltip and without it; • An opportunity to keep notupto the end collected picture and to return to it later; •Pleasantmusic; • Puzzles without the Internet. "Jigsaw-puzzle" is agamewhich will be pleasant to all admirers of games of this genre.Itis possible in the game to choose a puzzle from 10variouscategories: butterflies, spices, tigers, the nature,desserts,sights, parrots, sunsets, islands and tulips. After thechoice ofthe picture there will appear a window in which it isnecessary tochoose if the puzzle will consist of 56 or 100fragments andwhether there will be a hint in the form of thebackgroundblack-and-white picture. Also, in a situation when forany reasonthere is no opportunity to stop putting a puzzle, it ispossible tokeep it and to continue a game later. "Jigsaw-puzzle" -veryinteresting and useful entertainment. Puzzle for adults arecapableto do a wounder with brains of any person of any age.That’sbecause of the fact that everyone can take some advantagefromcollecting of puzzles: in the form of the improvedmemory,development of a brain, creative approach and tranquility.Play thecleverest games in the world together with us!
Fold puzzles 0.0.6
Jigsaw Best Games
Cheerfully to spend time, many play adult interesting games.Adultshave one of the most favourite games puzzles different. Tocollectpuzzles very interestingly and it is useful. Whatinteresting is ina game: • Adult puzzles; • 10 categories withpuzzles for a game; •An opportunity to choose quantity of detailsof a puzzle - 56 or100; • The choice of the mode of a game with thebackground hint orwithout hint; • An opportunity to keep not up tothe end collectedpicture; • Pleasant music; • Puzzles for adultswithout theInternet. Now without effort it is possible to findpuzzlesdifferent for adults. They can be big and small, difficultandsimple. The classical puzzle consists of 54 details. And herethebiggest puzzle "Disney: The unforgettable moments" were releasedbythe German company, and it consists of 42 thousand 320details.Game "Fold puzzles" is 10 various categories of puzzles, ineach ofwhich it is possible to choose one of eight picturesforcollecting. In a game it is possible to choose quantity ofdetailsof which the picture, namely 56 or 100 will consist. Also itispossible to slazhivat puzzles at three different levelsofcomplexity: without background hint, with the hint in the formofthe black-and-white picture and with the hint in the form oftheblack-and-white picture with outlines of contours of details ofapuzzle. If you look for games without the Internet for adults,thensurely play a game "Fold puzzles" . Puzzles are the cleverestgamesin the world and a hobby of many people. Puzzle for adultsdeveloplogic, spatial thinking, attention. To collect puzzles dailyonhalf an hour - very useful occupation which will train abrain.Play also our other puzzles without the Internet and youspend timewith advantage ofhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=6760904213150515779
Kid's puzzles 0.0.2
Jigsaw Best Games
In the game: • Kid's puzzles; • 40 colorful pictures; •Bubbles,which can be bursted; • Ability to earn a lot of candies; •Voicequidance, by a kid's voice; • Cheerful music. Puzzles - isapopular kid's game, which allows to spend time very interestinganddevelops a lot of useful skills for the kid. In the game"Kid'spuzzles" kid, first of all, has to choose pictures, which hewantsto collect, there are 2 types of pictures represented inmenu:drawings and photos. Each category has 20 pictures. Bycollectingpuzzles baby has to pay attention, as he will be rewardedfor hisefforts by candies, which are needed to be catched byfinger, whenthey are flying on the screen. When kid will fullycollect thepuzzle, a surprise will be waiting for him - flyingbubbles, whichhe could burst by his finger. One more pleasantmoment - is a voicequidance by a kid's voice. Because childrenunderstand each otherfaster and better, than adult. And, of course,cheerful lion cub,which rejoices victories with a baby. A game"Kid's puzzles"develops assiduity, patience and attention. Bycollecting suchjigsaws kid learns to build links between a pieceand a whole, turnpicture around in his mind and find neccessarydetail, developsimagination. Also, baby develops logic andthinking.
Puzzles for boys 0.0.5
Jigsaw Best Games
Game's features: • Puzzles for boys • 40 interesting, colorfulpictures • Puzzles for 6, 20, and 30 pieces • Game with or withoutfont hint • Ability to earn candies and use them for opening newlevels • Musical and voice accompaniment • Flying bubbles in theend of each level, which can be bursted and find candies inside ofthem Most games, which kids prefer to play are not only a good wayto spend time, but also a contribution to the kid's development.One of the kids' favourite games are puzzles. This game coulddistract kid from active games for a long time and give him achance to relax. Puzzles for boys - is a developing game for kidsfrom 2 years. 40 colorful pictures will sure be enjoyed by boys, asthey would be able to collect plane, car, or pirates on the ship of6, 20 or 30 pieces. Collecting puzzles won't be difficult even forsmallest kids, because in the game is present ability to turn onthe font hint, which will show black and white image of the picturewith puzzle's pieces' contours. When puzzle is collected flyingbubbles will appear, which can be bursted, and candies could befound inside of them. More candies you collect - more new pictureswill be able to open. Puzzles for boys - is a game, which willbring a joy not only with colorful pictures, bright design andkid's voice accompaniment, but will develop logical thinking,memory, fine motor skills, attention and assiduity of the kid.
Puzzles for kids 0.0.4
Jigsaw Best Games
Game's features • Puzzles for kids • 40 colorful pictures •Bubbles, which can be bursted • A chance to earn a lot of candies •Voice guidance, by a kid's voice • Pleasing music A game "Puzzlesfor kids" - that's a great chance to make your kid do somethinguseful. Puzzle - it's a picture, which is fragmented on a lot ofpieces of various, bizarre shape. This exciting game will interestany baby, and colorful puzzle-pictures will help develop logicalthinking, memory, attention and imagination. In a game "Puzzles forkids" kid has to collect 40 colorful pictures. There will be a kindlittle lion, which will help kid to collect puzzles, and rejoicevictories with a kid. For every correctly collected picture kidwill receive a reward - candies, which furhermore can help him opennew pictures. And for every collectes puzzle kid will have a chanceto see on the screen lots of bubbles, which can be bursted by afinger. Throughout the game a kid's voice will cheer the baby. Game"Puzzles for kids" develops movement coordination, logicalthinking, fantasy, assiduity and patience. Puzzles learn skillstrategy development for solving tasks of a different difficulties.Also, training ability to watch on the task from different sidesand make a correct decision.
Coco Bongo
Jigsaw Best Games
The exciting game of «Coco Bongo» will immerse you in the worldofjungle and adventure. Run, jump, collect bananas, coconuts andhelpCoco Bongo free his mate Chita, kidnapped by the brigandsandputted in a cage to carry away from the island. Game features:•«Coco Bongo» » is an adventure runner game; • Run and quest game;•Play offline; •Jungle world, cheerful music, beautifullandscapesand colors; • Fascinating adventures in jungles; •GirlfriendChita’s rescue and dangers lurking in the jungle; •15excitinglevels where you need to defeat the brigands and findChita. Likeall monkeys, our hero has a taste for bananas, thereforehecollects them here, and we have to help him in this. Try tocollectall the bananas coming along your pathway. Coco Bongo mustenterthe cave at the end of each level, that he can discoverbycollecting all the bananas. You can reach the exit only in caseyoudo not encounter enemies, do not fall into the pits, as well asdonot touch other obstacles. You need to be very careful assometimesyou will have to make difficult jumps on trees andmovingplatforms. The hero has 3 lives and 7 coconuts in thebeginning ofthe game. You can collect at the levels not onlybananas, but alsococonuts. By coconuts he can neutralize the enemy.By clicking onthe shot button at the bottom of the screen, CocoBongo will throwa coconut at the enemy. At some levels ofinteresting platformeryou can find an extra life: do not forget totake it with, it willdefinitely come in handy. There are also savepoints on the levels- they are sign plates, you are getting savedrunning past. In caseCoco Bongo loses a part of his life, you haveno need to start thelevel from the beginning, as the hero willautomatically appearnear the last sign plate you have passed by.Each next level lengthand complexity increase, more enemies appearand there are less andless of saving sign plates. In order forplayers always know howlong Coco Bongo will have to get to hisgirlfriend Chita, there isa map in the game, which will show wherethe player is at themoment. It is easy to control the hero: thereare buttons at thebottom of the screen, clicking on which CocoBongo will run andjump. The game has pleasant music andaccompanying sounds. Musicand sounds can be turned off, ifnecessary. If you want tocompletely plunge into the jungle, thenyou can play adventurerunner game in the jungle. Free and simpleplatform game willappeal to all fans of genre. Download «CocoBongo» and enjoy thefascinating levels of this game about monkeyand brigands.
Fold jigsaw 0.0.2
Jigsaw Best Games
Puzzles are a puzzle in which of separate pieces it is necessarytocollect the whole image picture. These cleverest games in theworldare interesting not only to children, but also adults. Puzzlesamosaic are an excellent way of self-development, and people ofanyage very much like to collect puzzles, deriving at the sametimepleasure from silent laborious work. What interesting is ingame: •It is very fascinating to Slazhivat puzzles; • Puzzles foradultswithout the Internet; • big puzzles on 56 pieces; • bigpuzzles on100 pieces; • 10 different categories of puzzles; • 80colourfulpictures; • time timer; • game preservation mode; •pleasant music.In the game "Fold jigsaw" you will be able tocollect 80 beautifulpictures which are divided into 10 differentcategories. Eachpicture can consist of 56 or 100 pieces of apuzzle, it can bechosen in game settings. Also, there it ispossible to choose thebackground hint to the picture which willfacilitate folding ofthis puzzle. Of course, we did not forget andabout gamepreservation, at any time it is possible to press thebutton in theform of a diskette and game will remain next time tocontinue sincethat moment on which stopped. You can even arrangecompetitions, onthe speed of collecting puzzles, and the timer oftime will helpyou to record the best result. During assembly of apuzzle it isalways possible to look at the picture which youcollect now to puta puzzle piece on the right place. And pleasantmusic will help torelax and derive pleasure from game. Importanceof such games as:puzzle for adults, puzzles for adults, puzzlesballs, puzzles amosaic are directly connected with their complexityin spite of thefact that all people are unique in own way and usedifferentapproaches to the solution of tasks. These interestingdifferentgames work wonders, whether it be the child, the teenager,theadult or the elderly person – everything profit from such gamesinthe form of the improved memory, development, creative approachandtranquility.
Puzzles for all family 0.0.12
Jigsaw Best Games
What could be better than mosaic jigsaw? This is the mostpopularlogic game, thanks to it you can spend your free time withanadvantage. And with puzzles for Android you can be sure, thatnoneof the puzzle's pieces won't be lost in any circumstances!Game'sfeatures: • Puzzles for all family; • Puzzles without theInternet;• puzzle for adults; • 10 different categories; • Puzzlesof 56pieces; • Puzzles of 100 pieces; • 80 beautiful pictures; •Timer;• Different game modes; • Pleasant music. In a game "Puzzlesforall family" you are awaited by a picture's choice for anytaste,which are divided on relevant categories. Player can choosegame'sdifficulty by himself: - puzzle of 56 pieces - puzzle of 100pieces- without font picture - with font picture - with fontpicture,divided on puzzle's pieces borders You can set new records,asthere is a timer in the game. Also, in any time you can seeapicture, which you are collecting at the moment for placingapuzzle's piece on correct place. And if you need toimmediatelystop the game, you can save it by pressing on a buttonwith adiskette image and continue on the next time from the moment,youstopped before. A game "Puzzles for all family" will be enjoyedbyeveryone, because right here you can find pictures for anytaste.Do you like animals? Please, they can be found in the"Family"category. Like cars? No problem, such category is presentedtoo.Prefer space? Yes, easily! So, everyone will find a topicforhimself. Different puzzles for adults effectively developinductivethinking, logic and attention, imagination and perception.Playadult interesting games and have a lot of fun.
Dinosaur Games 0.0.2
Jigsaw Best Games
What's interesting about the game: •Encyclopedia of dinosaurs;•Finda shadow; •Find a pair; •Find differences; •Bonuses in thegame;•Pleasant music. You've probably heard about the dinosaurs oftheJurassic period, and maybe even seen in the movies, incartoons,these large monsters in parks, plains and forests ofprehistorictimes. As you know, these animals lived on Earthmillions of yearsago, even before the existence of man. Somedinosaurs were about thesize of a chicken, others were about thesize of a five-storybuilding. They had scaly skin and laid eggscovered in shells.Dinosaurs walked on two or four legs. There wereboth floating andflying dinosaurs. You can learn more about themin our game. Do youwant to have fun with huge dinosaurs? Then weoffer you a charmingapplication dinosaur games for kids. The gameconsists of fourmini-games: 1. Encyclopedia - a cards for childrenwith descriptionsand pictures of dinosaurs. Children will be ableto explore the mainspecies of these large animals. Find out size,weight, habitat,speed, what it eats and much more. Thisencyclopedia of dinosaurswill turn your boundaries of reality,because the old inhabitants ofthe earth are fraught with a lot ofunknown. 2. Find the shadow -there are 20 exciting levels in thismini game. The child must matchthe shadow to each animal. To dothis, you need to drag the littledinosaur that appears in the egg,in the upper right corner of thescreen, to its correct shadow.Such a game allows you to developimaginative and logical thinking,because the child needs to guessby the outlines of the shadowwhich dinosaur is hidden under it. 3.Find a pair - sucheducational games for children are also called"memo". In the gameyou need to look for identical pairs of cards,opening two cards ata time. If the pair does not match, the cardsare closed, and it isadvisable for the child to remember whichdinosaurs were depictedthere. There is nothing complicated, tk. thegame has differentlevels of difficulty and everyone will choose amode to theirliking. For the smallest, the 2 by 2 or 2 by 3 playersmode issuitable, older children can try 3 by 4 or 4 by 5 players,and forthe most dexterous, the more complex mode 5 by 6 and 5 by 8issuitable, even adults can be interested in this game.Thismini-game has a time timer that will record your records. 4.Findthe Difference is the favorite game of many of us. All of usinchildhood tried to find all the differences as soon aspossible,until someone else did it. Mindfulness skills are veryimportant,so we suggest you play educational games for children. Ineachlevel you need to carefully look at the pictures, at firstglancethey may seem exactly the same, but there are always 10differencesbetween them. You need to find differences as quickly aspossiblein order to get the maximum reward for the level. Ifdifficultiesarise, then you can always use the hint. Also, if youneed todistract yourself from the game, you can pause and the timerwillstop. And of course, the games provide bonuses, childrenwilldefinitely get a lot of fun and positive emotions when theyreceivestars for their efforts as a reward, for which you canunlock newlevels in mini-games. If you like dinosaurs animals forkids, thenthis dinosaur games is definitely for you. Suchchildren's gamesform thinking skills, develop visual memory,attention and logic.The child learns to compare objects, tohighlight the mainfeatures. Will reinforce the concepts of"different", "the same"and "pair". Download free games for kids anddevelop with funnydinosaurs :-)
Ребусы 0.0.3
Jigsaw Best Games
Ребус – это головоломка, в которой с помощью картинок, буквисимволов зашифровано слово. Само слово «ребус» имеетлатинскоепроисхождение, а вот ребусы как загадка зародились воФранции в XVвеке. Что интересного в игре: • Ребусы для взрослых; •Многоинтересных ребусов; • Вознаграждение за отгаданные ребусы;•Возможность воспользоваться подсказкой; • Приятная музыка.«Ребусы»- игра, в которой собрано много интересных и увлекательныхзагадок,составленных из картинок и других символов. В игре есть каки болеепростые задания, так и очень сложные. И чтобы, несмотрянасложность, отгадывание ребусов не вызывало сложность,необходимознать правила их решения: • Ребус читается слева направо,и вредких случаях сверху вниз; • Загаданное слово должно бытьименемсуществительным в единственном числе и в именительном падеже;•Предметы, которые изображены, читаются в именительном падежеиединственном числе, а несколько одинаковых предметов читаютсявомножественном числе; • Перевернутое вверх ногамиизображениепредмета, необходимо читать задом наперед; • Буквы,стоящие докартинки или после нее, просто добавляются к названиюпредмета; •Запятые перед или после картинки означают, что нужно вназваниинарисованного предмета убрать столько букв в начале или вконцеслова, сколько запятых нарисовано; • Стрелка над картинкойснаправлением справа налево, показывает, что слово,котороезашифровано в картинке, нужно читать задом наперед; •Зачеркнутаябуква возле картинки означает, что эту букву в словечитать ненужно, а если возле зачеркнутой буквы стоит другая буква,тозачеркнутую букву в слове меняем на другую букву(вместозачеркивания может применяться знак равно); • Зачеркнутыебуквы,которые стоят отдельно от картинки, читаются с добавлениемчастицы«не»; • Цифры возле картинки означают нумерацию букв в этомслове.Зачеркнутая цифра означает, что в слове нужно убрать буквупод этимномером. А цифры, стоящие не по порядку, означают, чтобуквы вслове нужно читать в таком порядке как стоят цифры; • Знакдробиразгадывается как «на»; • Буква в букве, буква под или наддругойбуквой, буква из других букв и другие сочетания буквозначаютналичие предлога или союза «и», «в», «к», «у», «с», «за»,«из»,«на», «по», «перед» и других, которые описывают отношение буквдругк другу. За каждый угаданный ребус в игре даютсябаллы.Заработанные баллы пригодятся, если не получаетсяразгадатьзашифрованное слово. За определенное количество баловможно: -открыть первую букву слова, - открыть все буквы слова,которыебудут находиться не по порядку, - пропустить ребус, свозможностьювернуться к нему позже. «Ребусы» – это отличнаяинтеллектуальнаяразминка, которая улучшает память и развиваетлогическое мышление.
Puzzle cars 0.0.4
Jigsaw Best Games
Game's features • Puzzle cars • 40 bright pictures • Bubbles,whichcan be bursted • Candies as reward • Voice guidance, by kid'svoice• Cheerful music "Puzzle cars" will be a wonderful game choiceforkids. Collecting them - is a pure joy. Psychologists thinkthatsuch game's helping thinking development and human'scognitiveabilities, especially - kid's. All boys are dreaming abouttheirown car. But while they are too young we are offeringcollectcolorful pictures with cars' images first. In our game"Puzzlecars" boys have to collect 40 colorful puzzles. Kid couldearn areward - candies, for his efforts and correctly collectedpuzzles,which can be used to open new pictures. We didn't forgetthatchildren strongly love praise and surprises. Voice guidance ofagame by kid's voice will help baby to concentrate andquicklycollect a picture. And, as a surprise, kid could see on thescreena lot of bubbles and burst them by finger. By collecting"Puzzlecars" kid develops creative thinking, voluntary attentionandperception. Also. he will learn how to differ separate elementsbycolour, shape, size and could correctly percept links betweenpartand whole.
Puzzles of the city 0.0.3
Jigsaw Best Games
Various puzzles for adults don't demand a certain formation orlevelof thinking. Can solve them everyone, it is enough only"includebrain". Therefore games in a genre of a puzzle are sopopular amongchildren and adults. What interesting is in a game: •Adult puzzles;• 10 categories with puzzles with the image of citylandscapes; • Anopportunity to choose quantity of details of apuzzle – 56 or 100; •The choice of the mode of a game with thebackground hint or withouthint; • An opportunity to keep not theup to the end collectedpicture; • Pleasant music; • An interestinggame without theInternet. Different puzzles are considered one ofthe most populargames. To collect puzzles so interestingly andfascinatingly thatsuch game is pleasant to all irrespective of ageand a floor.Children more often choose puzzles with fairy tales oranimatedfilms, and adults prefer more difficult pictures withanimals,landscapes and many other. "City puzzles" – with the imageof citylandscapes. In the menu of a game 10 categories withpuzzles of thecities of the different countries are offered. Ineach category itis possible to get acquainted with the cities ofsuch countries ofthe world as Great Britain, the USA, France,China, Germany andothers. You can put puzzles with a backgroundhint or ablack-and-white picture with the borders of the puzzle,as well asin hard mode - without a background hint. It is alsopossible tochoose from 56 or 100 details the puzzle will consist.The picturewhich for some reason up to the end didn't manage to becollectedcan be kept and to return to it later. "City puzzles" -an idealgame for development of memory and ingenuity. As we know,our brainneeds trainings, as well as all muscles of a body.Therefore playthe cleverest games – "City puzzles" and trainflexibility of thethinking!
Runner Platformer City Foxy
Jigsaw Best Games
Exciting platformer “Runner Platformer City Foxy” will immerseyouin the metropolis of adventures. There you need to go through alotof threats and challenges with the main character – Foxy. Foxygotlost in the city and is needing to come quickly back toherchildren in the forest. Game adventures will give you plentyofpositive emotions. Game features: • “Runner Platformer CityFoxy”is an adventure runner game; • Play offline; • Urbandangers,jaunty music, beautiful sceneries; • Fascinating foxadventures inthe city; • Foxy homecoming and threats of themetropolis; • 15challenging city levels to come home to thechildren. Foxy needshelp to collect as many diamonds as possibleand complete alllevels of the game. To open the wicket at the endof each level,you need to find a key, that is on this level. Youcan pass thelevel if not to encounter evil dogs, not fall into thewater orpits. Also, avoid spiders, flying birds and lots of otherhurdles.You need to be extremely attentive making difficult leapsovertrees, boxes, moving platforms not to stumble upon one oftheobstacles. Foxy has 3 lives at the beginning of the game. Youcancome across apples at levels that can be collected to make upforpart of the main character's health. This will help extendyourlife and enjoy the exciting game adventures. Foxy also able tokillenemy, jumping on top of him. In some levels of theinterestingplatformer, you can find an extra life, which willdefinitely comein handy during the game. Another nice game detailis the savepoints as lanterns that light up when you pass them andwhichautomatically save your position. After foxy loses a part oflife,she will automatically appear near the lantern, last passed atthelevel. The platform-adventure game difficulty increases eachlevelcompleted. You have to pass more and more obstacles, whilesavepoints will be fewer. Controlling the hero is very simple:thereare buttons at the bottom of the screen that will help Foxy torunand jump, overcoming hurdles. While playing, you will be shownamap that will help you understand how much levels still needtocomplete in order to get home to Foxy's childes. The gamehaspleasant music and accompanying sounds, making the gamemoreengaging. Sounds and music can be turned off, ifnecessary.Download for free the “Runner Platformer City Foxy”platform gameand have a fun with amusing Foxy.
Puzzles for girls 0.0.4
Jigsaw Best Games
Game's features: • Puzzles for girls • 40 colorful pictures•Bubbles, which can be bursted • Candies as a reward •Voiceguidance • Funny music "Puzzles for girls" - is a greatcolorfulgame, forming precision, patience and assiduity from anearly age.Children from 2 years could learn how to collect such ajigsaw.First of all babies could watch, how their parentscollectingpuzzles and then - learn how to do it by thenselves. Youhave tobegin from small number of details - 6 pieces, then it ispossibleto increase difficulty, by choosing 20 or 30 pieces. In agame -"Puzzles for girls" there is a possibility to collect twotypes ofpictures: drawings and photos. Each category has 20 images.Byopening image, which children likes, children have tochoosedetails' number, of which they want to collect the picture.Duringthe you have to be very attentive, 'cos the reward will beall yourfavourite sweets, for which you can open newpictures-puzzleslater. Also, for every collected puzzle, littleprincesses willawait a surprise - that are flying bubbles, whichcan be bursted byfinger. Voice guidance by a child's voice willhelp you toconcentrate and to collect picture fast. And funnymusic, no doubt,will cheer your baby up. By playing "Puzzles forgirls" your childtrains ability to see the task multifacetedly,improves logic,imagination and fantasy, attentiveness and memory,learns to takedecisions by himself. Interest to such games openscreative skillsin your kid.
Puzzle-games 0.0.5
Jigsaw Best Games
Game's features: • Puzzle-games • 40 bright pictures •Bubbles,which can be bursted by a finger • Voice guidance by akid's voice• Funny music Most parents, thinking of how to filltheir' child'sfree time, prefer developing games. Of course,walking on a freshair is very interesting and useful for health.But modern childrenhave an excessive mobility and a lack ofassiduity. Educatorsrecommend to children from two years toalternate outdoor gameswith calm, such like "Puzzle-games". Thisgame will help childrento reach success in their study and learnself-control. In a game"Puzzle-games" children could collect 40bright and funny images.They distribute for two categories: photosand images. Childrenwill receive a reward for their efforts -candies. Also, forcorrectly collected, surprise will be awaitingfor children -flying soap bubbles, which could be bursted byfinger. And a game'smain hero, funny mouse, will rejoice victorieswith a kid. One morepleasant moment - is a voice guidance by achild's voice, becausechildren are in good understanding with eachother. By collectingpuzzles spatial thinking and perception areforming to your child,he will learn how to turn over picture in amind and find a properdetail. "Puzzle-games" will become children'sfavourite game andbring not only a joy, but a great profit for ababy's developmenttoo.
Викторина для детей: Угадай тень 0.0.2
Jigsaw Best Games
Что интересного в игре: • Угадай тень; • Детская викторина; •50интереснейших уровней; • Бонусные вознаграждения; •Приятнаямузыка. Почти все предметы и живые существа способныобразовыватьтень. Если идти по солнцу или включить яркий свет, топоявляетсятень предметов, на которые попадают лучи. Тень повторяетформу иочертание предмета. Именно поэтому можно определять, где,чья тень.Играя в нашу игру «Викторина для детей: Угадай тень»ребенокнаучится мыслить логически. А развитию логического мышлениянужноуделять особое внимание, поскольку именно это поможет ему вбудущемдобиться успехов и повысить свой интеллект в жизни. Как илюбойдругой навык, логическое мышление требует тренировок. С нашейигроймалыш сможет в игровой форме тренировать свое мышление иразвиватьего. В игре ребенку нужно отгадать 50 интереснейшихуровней. Вкаждом уровне нужно распознать тень предмета, котораясначалазакрыта наполовину. Если ребенок догадался, что это за тень,онуказывает ответ и получает за правильный ответ 3 звезды. Еслинет,можно открыть еще одну часть картинки и таким образомзаработать 2звезды. Можно также открыть изображение полностью, нопри этомзаработать только 1 звезду. Есть еще подсказки, которымиможновоспользоваться за заработанные звезды: открыть случайнуюбукву,открыть крайние буквы или убрать лишние буквы (останутсятолько тебуквы из которых состоит слово ответ. Угадай кто я! Какогопредметатень изображена? Проведи время с пользой! Эта игравикторинапоможет развить в ребенке наблюдательность и логическоемышление. Аэто одна из главных задач всестороннего развития,которомунеобходимо уделять особое внимание.